When you create a new AWS account, one of the best practices to follow is to remove all the default VPC resources. So when the 4.0 AWS Provider released it was really exciting as they included a new option to help destroy this: So going ahead you’d think you could now simply do this. resource […]
Adding Terraform AWS Cost Policies using Infracost and Checkov
Building cloud infrastructure isn’t cheap but it is extremely accessible. While we apply service control policies to limit the accessibility of certain resources for security purposes, can we apply the same tools to examine cost? The answer is, yes. Infracost is available to provide insights before deployment by examining the Terraform plan. This provides us […]
Using Cloudflare for Public AWS Resources Securely
Using Cloudflare is an easy way to add security and performance improvements without breaking the bank. Plans start for free and provide access to the Cloudflare DNS and CDN https://www.cloudflare.com/plans/application-services/. You generally attach a security group with inbound rule after setting up your public AWS resource. When using Cloudflare, there is a more secure […]